Sustainable Workplace Certification Program

Certified Sustainable Workplaces

Certification level is based on the number of sustainable behaviors your workplace has adopted.

  • Platinum - 95%
  • Gold- 90%
  • Silver - 80%
  • Bronze - 70%

Do you want to get your workplace on the list? Get started!

Displaying 91 - 100 of 114


North Campus Recreation Building (NCRB)


The North Campus Recreation Building (NCRB) office became Silver certified by setting all printers to default to duplex printing, powering down all equipment at the end of their use, and integrating sustainability into regular communication. Staff have completed the online Planet Blue Ambassador sustainability modules, and sustainability training has been incorporated into new staff orientation and training.

C & W Phlebotomy


C & W Phlebotomy became a Silver Sustainable Workplace by setting computers to energy saving defaults, powering down at the end of the day, posting reminders to shut off lights when not in use and installing motion sensing lights in appropriate locations. Additionally, the team expanded and improved signage for their recycling areas and staff participated in the Planet Blue Ambassador online sustainability training.



The Telefund office became certified Silver by incorporating sustainability into regular communications including posting reminders to turn off lights and computer when not in use, adding signage clarifying recycling areas and procedures, and encouraging staff and volunteers to complete the online Planet Blue Ambassador training. Additionally, recycling areas were expanding to include more types of materials, and a commitment made to use a higher level of recycled content paper

Plastic Surgery office


The Plastic Surgery office earned a Silver certificate by tackling energy reduction by posting reminders to turn off lights when not in use and shutting off computers when not in use. Newly adopted waste reduction efforts included setting printers to duplex printing, increasing recycled content of paper, and establishing a more comprehensive recycling area.

UMHS Nursing Administration


UMHS Nursing Administration office has taken some actions to reduce energy use, including enabling sleep mode/default energy saving settings on all computers, printers, copiers and fax machines.  Within and around the Nursing Administration work space are

UMHS Environmental Services


UMHS Environmental Services received a Silver rating by posting reminders to turn off lights, Shutting off all computer equipment saving 2,668 lbs. of CO2 emissions. They are recycling all materials using the resources found on the website. They are also saving paper by setting their printer to default to double-sided printing.

Center for the Education of Women


The Center for the Education of Women earned Silver certification by enabling sleep mode on all machines, setting printers to default to double-sided, and committing to purchase only copier & printer paper with 30% or greater post consumer recycled content. Efforts to reach Gold are already underway as this group has started working with the Managed Print Services program to streamline equipment use and remove unnecessary printers, likely resulting in both a financial and energy savings.

UMHS Compliance Office


The UMHS Compliance Office earned a Silver certification by tackling a few simple tasks such as expanding their existing recycling area to include the collection of more types of materials, sharing information on sustainable practices and prioritizing sustainable options when making supply orders. The larger task with a larger energy savings was to power down all equipment at night and over the weekend, and where possible shut off electronics at the powerstrip to avoid "vampire energy" which continues to draw energy from the outlet even when equipment is off.

Event Service, University Unions


In the winter term of 2012, the Office of Campus Sustainability (OCS) worked with students of ENV 391 to pilot the Sustainable Workplace Certification Program. Event Services within the University Union completed an initial assessment of activities and behaviors. In response, they received recommendations for improvement, assistance in implementing best practices, and a certificate and web logo to identify them as a Sustainable Workplace.


Orthopaedic Research Labs


Orthopaedic Research Labs is at the bronze level as a Sustainable Workplace.  More than half of the staff are participating in the Commuter challenge in May and 3 use bikes as their primary mode of transportation. The staff empty and unplug the mini fridge during the winter break.  
