Sustainable Laboratory Certified Labs

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 204


East Ann Arbor Ambulatory Surgery and Medical Procedures Center


With six operating rooms and four endoscopy units and pre and post procedure care units, ours is a full-service ambulatory surgery and medical procedure facility.  We perform myriad of routine and complex surgical and endoscopy procedures on a daily basis.  We use many different types of equipment, instruments, supplies and medications.  Waste generated in our lab is disposed of adhering to EHS guidelines.

“At our facility nearly 500+ healthcare professionals are engaged in endoscopy and many other routine and non-routine surgical procedures. Through Stericycle and Stryker we recycle wire variety of materials not only saving on money and reducing solid waste from entering into our landfills.  We continuously look for avenues to reduce and recycle materials and equipment used in our daily procedures as part of our commitment to reduce environmental foot print.” Mary Neff, CRNA, East Ann Arbor Ambulatory Surgery & Medical Procedures Center

ChE 360 Teaching Laboratory HH Dow Room 3125


This is ChE 360 Unit Operations I lab and approximately 150 students enroll yearly. Most of the experiments taught in this lab are water-based with emphasis on heat transfer, mass transfer, or thermodynamic principles.  The main focus of the class is error proposition in experimentation.  One such experiment explores diffusion of a green organic solvent in air.  Hazardous waste generated in this lab very minimal. 

“The Unit Operations I laboratory is the first Chemical Engineering laboratory in which our students work.  To become a certified sustainable teaching laboratory, we implemented hazardous waste reduction through neutralization, choosing green solvents for exploration of diffusivity in air, and energy conservation energy by turning off equipment and computers.  These decisions will hopefully inspire sustainable practices in our students as well as help impress them upon the importance of laboratory and chemical safety.” Dr. Chris Barr, Undergraduate Laboratory Supervisor, Chemical Engineering

Ragsdale Laboratory MSRB III Room 5200


We study processes that are important in the global carbon cycle, basis energy sciences, and biomedical problems.  Our work focuses on microbial metabolism of carbon dioxide and methane; the role of metal ions in biology; regulation of metabolism by redox, heme, and carbon monoxide. Because of the dwindling and erratic supply of helium, we installed a He recycling system for use in cryogenic experiments. Waste generated is disposed of adhering to U-M EHS guidelines.

"With the help of the Office of Sustainability, we have taken the needed steps to reducing energy and chemical waste. By increasing the temperature of ULT freezers and recycling helium for our cryogenic experiments, we are providing a more sustainable working environment for future research. We appreciate the efforts of OCS in raising awareness of sustainable lab practices at The University of Michigan". Prof. Stephen Ragsdale, PI

Fenkel Cardiac Cath Laboratory CVC 2nd Floor


With four cardiac catheterization laboratories, ours is a full-service interventional cardiology procedural facility.  We perform myriad of routine and complex hemodynamic studies in addition to percutaneous coronary and peripheral interventions.  We implant left and right percutaneous ventricular assist devices and also perform a full spectrum of structural heart procedures, including procedures on both native and bio-prosthetic valves and para-valvular leak closures.  Waste generated in our lab is disposed of adhering to EHS guidelines.

“Reduce, reuse, and recycle” are goals in our daily life. We are glad that we can promote and implement these in our labs by joining the Sustainable Lab Program. We have implemented more strategies through energy saving initiatives to become an environmentally friendly cath lab. We recommend this program to other labs. Colleen Lucier and Joshua Barsaleau, CVC, Cath Lab

Tomlins Laboratory Cancer Center 7431


Our lab has two focuses. We use patient blood/tissues/urine samples from various cancers (prostate, kidney etc.) for Next Generation sequencing.  Discovery of known or novel mutations are then communicated to scientific community.  In a parallel and concomitant approach, we carry out functional characterization of subset of the genes in various cancer cell lines. The techniques we employ are tissue culture work, cell proliferation, invasions, qPCRs, Western blots, and immunoprecipitations, representing a typical Life Sciences Lab.  Waste generated in our lab is disposed off adhering to OSEH guidelines.

“I am glad to see that so many simple and effective measures that we had put in place within lab concur with Sustainable Lab program. It is as much our right as responsibility to make these practices a routine matter, embrace newer methods towards research that is considerate towards other species of the planet.”   Dr. Moloy Goswami, PDF

ISR Biospecimen Laboratory ISR 451


The ISR Biospecimen Laboratory was created in order to accommodate research needs within the Institute and communities associated with ISR research efforts.   As needs change within our ISR research climate, the BioSpecimen lab will be eager to adapt to those changes.  We engage primarily in biological specimen processing and molecular biology protocols.  We recently installed 8 energy conservative ULT freezers in which to store our specimens.  Other equipment includes Microplate reader, centrifuge, water bath, etc. We generate hazardous waste in a limited quantity and it is disposed of using OSEH guidelines.  

“The ISR Lab is very happy to work with The Office of Campus Sustainability to make our operations more sustainable. Because of recommendations by the OCS, we have initiated recycling of pipette tip boxes, ice packs , styrofoam boxes, pens and pencils. We now make sure we turn off and unplug any heating (and other) equipment when  not in use. We appreciate the efforts made by OCS in raising awareness and making possible the concept of sustainable labs at The University of Michigan.”

 -- Laura Mayo-Bond, Lab Manager

Veatch Laboratory LS&A 3050


We are interested in understanding how the physical properties of lipids, lipid mixtures, and lipid-protein interactions influence functions in cell plasma membranes.  To accomplish this, we draw on experimental and theoretical foundations in soft matter physics, physical chemistry, molecular and cell biology.  Some of the techniques we use include: cell culture, molecular cloning, protein labeling, and super-resolution microscopy.  Some of the equipment we use includes: PCR machines, cell culture incubators, water baths, a TIRF microscope, lasers, freezers, shakers etc.  Waste generated in our lab is disposed of using OSEH guidelines.

“Using the Sustainable Lab program has been highly beneficial to our lab. We eliminated the use of ethidium bromide by making use of safer alternatives. The Chemical Reuse program has us allowed us to procure chemicals, etc. at no cost. We have our (-80) set to (-70), which saves an est. $100-$120/year.  We now recycle our water purification cartridges through Triumvirate and our cold packs through Sudhakar Reddy.  This is a great program.”

 -- Kathleen Wisser, Lab Manager

Biophysics Teaching Lab LS&A 3020


Our lab teaches on several biophysical techniques.  Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Circular Dichroism, Dynamic Light Scattering to mention a few are used to determine protein-protein interactions.   Also protein purification and quantification, i.e, column chromatography, protein assays and enzymatic assays.    Equipment used, but not limited to, fluorimeters, spectrophotometers, incubators, water baths, etc.  Waste generated in our lab is disposed of using OSEH guidelines. 

“Using the Sustainable Lab program has been highly beneficial to our lab. One of the most beneficial sustainable actions that we employed was putting some equipment monitors and all of the student workstations on motion sensing power strips.  We also keep equipment that is not being used daily unplugged. This is a great program.”

 -- Kathleen Wisser, Lab Manager

Ward Laboratory


Research in our lab focuses on the pathophysiology of experimental polymicrobial sepsis following cecal ligation and puncture. We are assessing the effects of complement activation, the roles of C5a and its receptors (C5aR, C5L2), and the roles of the IL-17 family of cytokines in the complications that follow, such as the cytokine storm, immunosuppression, and cardiac dysfunction. We are also involved in studying the mechanisms by which neutrophilis and macrophages are recruited into lung and activated, the role of proteases and oxidants in the induction of injury, the role of the complement system and C5a receptors, as well as the role of cytokines and chemokines. Furthermore, we also investigate the ability of the adrenergic system to regulate the lung inflammatory response. Accordingly, we have a wide scope of experience defining how the inflammatory response in lung is triggered and regulated.

"With the help of the Office of Sustainability, the Ward lab has taken the needed steps to reduce energy and chemical waste. By removing mercury thermometers, eliminating EtBr, introduction of Gel Red, and placing motion sensors and timed strips, we can effectively say we are providing a more sustainable working environment for future research. Participating in this program allows us to be a part of the Planet Blue Sustainability Initiative at the U of Michigan." Firas Zetoune, Lab Manager & Safety Liaison

Lauring Laboratory


The Lauring Lab studies mechanisms of viral evolution and their relationship to transmission, pathogenesis, and antiviral resistance in infected hosts. We perform this research through the use of tissue culture and PCR techniques. We have switched to SYBR Safe and Gel Red as safer alternatives to the toxic ethidium bromide in our DNA/RNA research. All waste streams generated are disposed of according to OSEH guidelines.

"With the help of the Office of Sustainability, the Lauring lab has taken the needed steps to reducing energy and chemical waste. By increasing the temperature of ULT freezers and adding timers to 24 hour instruments, we can effectively say we are providing a much more sustainable working environment for future viral research. " William Fitzsimmons, Lab Manager & Safety Liaison
