Planet Blue Student Leaders

PBSL Photo Gallery

  • Planet Blue Student Leaders participate in the outdoor “Challenge Program” to develop leadership and team-work skills each year.

  • Several PBSLs hosted a “clothing swap” to encourage residents to swap unwanted clothes instead of trashing them and buying new.

  • PBSLs promote the annual Kill-a-Watt energy-saving competition in the residence halls each fall.

  • PBSLs developed the “green dorm room” certification program, Planet Blue Room.

  • As a group project, PBSLs put on a “skill-share” festival where any Housing students could come learn sustainable-living skills before leaving to live off-campus.

  • To better understand waste and recycling behaviors of students living the halls, PBSLs don haz-mat suits and sort through Markley’s trash – identifying items that could have been recycled or donated for re-use.

  • PBSLs helped advocate for water bottle refill stations found across Housing.

  • PBSLs work in small groups to discuss sustainability issues and work on plans to improve sustainability in their halls.

Planet Blue Student Leaders work in Student Life as peer-to-peer "eco-reps."This unique and innovative position allows students who are passionate about sustainability to work with staff to implement sustainability projects, collaborate with student organizations and University departments, and engage their peers (on and off campus) in sustainability related programming.

Program Highlights

  • PBSLs receive training on sustainable initiatives, organizational change, sustainable behavior change, institutional sustainable, and communication.
  • Led the very first zero waste Convocation Picnic and handed out over 6000 reusable water bottles.
  • Planned and executed an in-room composting pilot at Bursley Residence Hall and Munger which is influencing composting roll-out across the entire University.
  • Hosted sustainability-themed discussion dinners for small groups of fellow students
  • Ran competitions for students to certify their residence hall room as a "Planet Blue Room"
  • Made site visits to the oldest Net Zero Home in Ann Arbor, Eastern Market in Detroit, and nearby universities to learn about other sustainability initiatives.
  • Conducted in-person trainings to certify Michigan Dining staff, Housing staff, and other students as Planet Blue Ambassadors.
  • Created a promotional video for the annual RecycleMania contest featuring U-M's recycling mascot:
  • Hosted "swap" parties to help students exchange unwanted books, clothing, and other materials instead of throwing those items in the trash.
  • Worked with Housing facilities to post "turn off the light" switches.