Check the Planet Blue events page for a wide range of special events, and see the list below for activities that take place on a recurring basis on campus:
- EarthFest: Come to EarthFest on the Diag each Fall to learn about all kinds of sustainability-related activities and opportunities at the university.
- E-Waste Recycling: Every spring, University of Michigan and Ann Arbor public schools co-sponsor a public electronic waste recycling event.
- Kill-a-Watt Competition: Kill-a-Watt is an annual energy-saving competition between U-M Housing buildings held in October and November.
- M-Farmer's Market: Each fall (harvest time), U-M's Central Student Government (CSG) and the University Unions host on-campus farmers' markets to bring farm fresh produce right to our campus.
- Recyclemania: Take part in this 10-week competition among U.S. colleges and universities to see which school can collect the largest amount of recyclables per capita. U-M also sponsors the building-to-building "Recycling Champions" competition.
- Sustainability Town Halls
- Peter M. Wege Lecture: This annual lecture addresses important sustainability challenges facing society in the 21st century. Past presenters have included Al Gore, Gro Brundtland, and His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.