Project Funding

As part of a university-wide focus on sustainabilty, competititve funding is available to use our campus as a "living learning lab for sustainability", with mechamnisms to fund both large-scale and small-scale project ideas.  Competitive funding is also available for highly interdisciplinry teams to pursue applied sustainability projects beyond the U-M campus.   

  • Planet Blue Renewable Energy Demonstration Project (PBREDP):  PBREDP makes funding available for the design and implementation of demonstration scale renewable energy projects on campus. The aim of the PBREDP is to increase awareness and familiarity with renewable energy technology by incorporating it into daily campus life. 
  • Planet Blue Student Innovation Fund (PBSIF): This competitive program encourages students to pursue innovative, high-impact campus sustainability projects, with $5,000 - $50,000 available for project implementation. Many successful campus sustainability initiatives have already come to fruition through PBSIF, and even more are in the pipeline.
  • Student Sustainability Initiative's Small-Scale Grant Program: This program competitively awards small grants to student groups seeking assistance for projects promoting environmental sustainability on campus.
  • Dow Distinguished Awards: As part of the Dow Sustainability Fellows Program, this competition focuses on applied sustainability projects beyond the campus that cut across disciplines and academic levels.