Leveraging research to advance campus environmental sustainability

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About This Site

Are you interested in contributing to the University of Michigan’s (UM) or another campus’ environmental sustainability?  If so, this site is for you!

Building on research from the social sciences - anthropology, communications, economics, education, political science, psychology and sociology - this site provides ideas for how to make campuses greener.

The site’s content is developed by students enrolled in the University of Michigan’s (UM) course Social Sciences and Environmental Problems (Environ 211).  Teams of students answer questions about how to improve UM’s environmental sustainability performance - based on identifying and applying relevant social science principles, models and theories.  While our focus is on UM, the social science findings synthesized here can also inform other campus’ efforts.

To learn more about how the content was developed, click here

This course is not the only one at U-M working on improving campus sustainability.  View Environ 391 "Sustainability & the Campus student projects.

Program in the Environment Logo School of Natural Resources and Environment Logo College of Liturature, Science, and the Arts Logo

The creation of this web-site was funded through a Teaching and Learning for the Third Century grant and is hosted by Planet Blue. 

Course instructor: Dr. Michaela Zint


The content on this page is developed by students enrolled in Environ 211 and does not represent the official position of the University of Michigan.