Social Sciences for Sustainability: Previous Group Projects

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Prior to the creation of this website, Environ 211 students created stand-alone sites that apply social science research to answer campus sustainability questions. 

Energy Icon - compact fluorescent lightbulbClimate Action

  • Bike Sharing - What strategies could the University use to encourage bicycle sharing? (Winter 2013)

  • Kill-A-Watt -  What are the best practice strategies for inducing energy-conservation behaviors in a residence hall setting?  What strategies are most effective, most marketable, and most appealing to students? (Winter 2012)
  • Green Room - How can the Planet Blue Student Ambassadors create cultural norms through this opt-in green room program? (Winter 2012)

Community IconCommunity Awareness

  • Campus Trees - What social, economic, and educational value do campus trees provide? (Winter 2013)
  • Greening the Dorms - How can the University encourage students living in dorms to reduce waste, conserve energy and water, and otherwise live green? (Winter 2013)
  • Prompts - How effective are prompts in reducing water and energy consumption and preventing waste? What else does the literature on prompts suggest are best practices in creating effective signage? (Winter 2013)

  • Sustainability Events - In planning sustainability events, what should the University consider in order to reach as many people, as broad of an audience as possible, and to promote behavior change for sustainability? (Winter 2012) 

Healthy Environment Icon - apple Healthy Environments

  • Meatless Meals - How might the University encourage meatless meals? (Winter 2013)
  • Seasonal Eating - How can the University encourage and facilitate eating seasonally among students in the residential dining halls? (Winter 2013) 
  • Campus Farm - How could having a campus farm contribute to creating a culture of local and sustainable food? (Winter 2012)
  • Farmer's Market - How can the University create a culture around attending the UM Farmers Market? (Winter 2012)  
  • Residential Dining Services - How can Residential Dining Services be involved in the transition to a more sustainable food system? (Winter 2012)
  • Fertilizer Use - If the University would like to use less fertilizer in the property green space and landscaping areas, how will staff promote this to their employees and students (potentail and current)? (Winter 2012)

Waste Icon - recycling mobius arrowsWaste Prevention

  • Auditorium Recycling - How could student recycling participation be improved in campus buildings that feature large auditoriums and lecture halls, like the Modern Languages Building and Angell Hall? (Winter 2013)
  • Dining Hall Waste - How can the University reduce food waste in the residential dining halls? (Winter 2013)
  • Move-In Recycling - How can the University better encourage students and families to recycle when unpacking during Move-In? (Winter 2013)
  • Reusable Mugs - How can the University encourage students, faculty, and staff to choose reusable mugs and reusable to-go containers? (Winter 2013)
  • Tailgate Recycling - How can the University encourage recycling at non-University-sponsored student social events like house parties and tailgates? (Winter 2013)
  • RecycleMania - Is a recycling competition, like "Recyclemania" an effective way of engaging students in recycling behaviors? (Winter 2012)
  • Reusable Mugs - How can the University encourage people to use reusable mugs at local coffee shops?  What are the current barriers to this behavior and how can they be overcome?  (Winter 2012)
  • Composting - When the University develops a post-consumer compost program, how can proper use be facilitated? (Winter 2012)