BLUElab India


BLUElab India is a student run project team under the umbrella organization of BLUElab (Better Living Using Engineering Laboratory) at the University of Michigan. BLUElab's mission is to co-­‐design sustainable, appropriate technology with partners abroad and domestically. This past May, six members of BLUElab India's fifteen-­‐member team traveled to the Kalol area for an entire month to carry out an in-­‐depth needs assessment. After conducting informal interviews, recording observations, and building strong relationships, the team decided to focus on the small agricultural village of Dolatpura and on two problems that the villagers are facing. These two problems are the inhalation of cooking smoke and the lack of discrete, affordable toilets. Moving forward, the team will work to co-­‐design sustainable stove systems and economically viable septic tanks.