Sustainable Park Trail and Interpretive Systems in a High Tech World


Team Members

Jamie McArdle, Jianing Wang, Yue Chen, Yun Liu


Mark Lindquist

Project Summary

The project team developed a model trail and interpretive system for the newest preserve in the National Park System. This system enhances visitor experience and increases public awareness. The team showcased sustainable development concepts and increased awareness of individual behavior and environmental impact. The project integrates technology, while expanding interpretive programming and user interface throughout Valles Caldera National Preserve, in northern New Mexico. Valles Caldera comprises an area of nearly 90,000 acres, and is an ideal location for the implementation of a sustainable trail and interpretive system.

Members of the team used innovative technology to incorporate a mobile app, a user touch interface and other features designed to enhance engagement in environmental education. In collaboration with Valles Caldera National Preserve leaders, the framework for this preserve will serve as a model for implementation throughout the National Park System.